

8 Best Speech Therapists in Dubai

Millions of people in the world suffer from a speech impediment, but there is hope. Speech therapists can help people with all types of speech disorders, from stuttering to lisps. If you’re suffering from a speech impediment, don’t hesitate to seek out the help of a qualified speech therapist. With their help, you can start […]

Top 5 Healthcare Apps in UAE

The medical sector quickly adapts itself to technological advancements everywhere in the world. Talking about the healthcare sector of UAE, the world has seen how excellently and quickly it has evolved into one of a kind marvel in the medical field. Today, it is contributing largely toward the economy of the UAE with its globally […]

Seven Benefits of Switching to an Electronic Health Record (EHR) System

Electronic health records (EHR) are among the best modern tools that help improve and develop healthcare services. They are a set of digital records that reflect everything that is contained in paper medical records that healthcare providers traditionally use. These records contain the patient’s medical history, information, and reports about the patient’s condition, as well […]

Healthcare in Special Rehabilitation Hospital Abu Dhabi

Having a good healthcare system is an important need for any country. When it comes to the healthcare system, there are no boundaries, whether it’s physical therapy, surgeries, or different mental health facilities. Almost the majority of countries lack in providing a proper rehabilitation center for its people, other hospitals cater to every problem but […]

8 Best Ophthalmologists in Dubai – Highly Recommended

If you are looking for an ophthalmologist in Dubai, you will find that there are many highly recommended professionals to choose from. When narrowing down your options, it is important to consider the experience and education of the ophthalmologist, as well as their reviews from past patients. With so many great options available, you are […]

5 Best Chemical Peels in Dubai

In today’s society, looking good is important. People want to look their best for weddings, job interviews, and other important events. One way people try to improve their appearance is by getting chemical peels. In the world of beauty, the new trending treatment is chemical peeling which is nonsurgical and is used to improve the […]